Our Club’s Charitable Giving
What we do
Our Club was formed to raise funds for a wide variety of non-profit organizations. From local, community based organizations, to international programs, we want to help make the world a smarter, more healthy, safer place for the generations to come.
And, that all starts with your donations and support.
Whether you adopt a duck, buy a ticket to our Taste of Dedham and Beyond, or simply make a donation, your hard earned money goes to helping people in need.
Who we have helped support
Over just the past three years, we have donated over $30,000 to non-profits and charity organizations in our communities. With your generous help, we will continue to support these organizations and help our communities. We are all in this together.
Here, in no particular order, and by no means complete, is a list of some of our recipients.
Engineers Without Borders
Blue Hills Regional HS Scholarships/Awards
Blue Hills High School/ESL Program
Blue Hills H.S.- Holiday Food Drive
Dedham Food Pantry
Westwood Food Pantry
Norwood Food Pantry
Comfort Zone Camp
Strongbacks LLC/Vocational Training
Rotary Club Needham/Autism Room BPS
District 7910-RYLA/Puerto Rico Relief/Comfort Zone Camp
Dedham Juvenile Court-Parenting Program
Dedham Community House
Compassionate Care ALS
St. Vincent de Paul Society
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
Dedham Civic Pride- Sponsor Spot
Dedham School/Community Resources
Dedham Education Foundation
Dedham Community House
Dedham Flag Day Parade
Compassionate Care ALS
PANMASS Challenge
Friends of St. Nick (Norwood)
IMPACT Norwood
New Life Furniture Bank
Blue Hills HS Educator’s Association
Dedham Music Association
St. Vincent DePaul-Walk for Poor
District 7910-Polio Plunge
Norwood VFW Auxiliary/Post 2452
Dedham Day/Sponsorship
Dedham Police-School/Community Resources
Dedham Education Foundation-Spelling Bee
German Ctr. Foundation-W. Roxbury
Norwood Junior Women’s Club/Summer Concerts
Homes for Our Troops
Barton Center for Diabetes
Mark Bavis Leadership Foundation
Liam Gaziano-Rotary Scholar